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Green Jobs : Electrical Engineering 

Mechanical Engineering , Technical quipement and installaions, agriculture and farming

What are green jobs?

Green jobs can be found in all sectors of the economy, ranging from traditional fields such as manufacturing, transport and construction, to emerging occupational fields, for example in the energy sector. To put it in a nutshell, green jobs are the basis for a successful energy transition and promote climate and environmental protection.

People who have a qualification in engineering or technical professions as well as those with a link to the manufacturing and construction industry are particularly in demand in the green economy. These professions include the following:

  • Craftspeople(e.g. electronictechnicians for energy and building technology, heating engineering, system mechanics andsanitary, heating and air-conditioning technology)
  • Engineers(e.g. energy consultants, environmental engineers, design engineers/developers, automotive engineers)
  • IT specialists(e.g. software developers, data scientists)

These professions are part of the following economic sectors:

  • Energy and electrical engineering (e.g. wind power, photovoltaics, solar power technology/installation)
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Technical equipment and installations
  • Construction industry
  • Automotive industry (e.g. electric mobility)
  • Agriculture and farming

Workring in Europe

Germany needs qualified skilled workers. Find out here which professions are particularly in demand in Germany.